jueves, 28 de abril de 2016



 Picture taken from: http://www.biography.com/people/alexander-pope-9444371

I was born on May 21 st, 1688 in London, England. I was an academic, philosopher, scholar, poet and literary critic. Alexander Pope Senior, was my father, a linen merchant of Plough Court, Lombard Street, London, and Edith was my mother; they were very Catholic. My education was interrupted because there was a law called ‘‘Penal Laws’’ against Catholics and I wasn’t admitted in any public school. So, one priest who lived in my neighborhood gave me some lessons about Latin and Greek, later I learned French and Italian. I was sick due to my addition to studies, that is why, I suffered a lot of headaches.

After some health problems, I decided to go to London where I met William Wycherley and William Congreve, both were well known as comic dramatists. They were a support very important to me, when I began to publish my works, so I was called the Master of Satires because I wrote many productions such as The Essays on Man, Imitations of Horace that involve the satires, but The Rape of the Lock and my translation of Homer's Iliad were my best works.

I was considered as the most famous poet of the 18th century, mainly in the revival of the classics and in Roman poetry, especially Horace. As a poet, I was very renowned for my satirical works, including the "Dunciad" and "Essay on Criticism". At the age of 56 years old, unfortunately I died on May 30th, 1744, in Twickenham, United Kingdom.

By: Yusleidy Cardenas

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